Each movie will be rated using the below scorecard. Each of the four categories will be rated on a scale of 1 to 5, (1 is lowest, 5 is highest), with an overall rating at the end.
After scoring each film, we will provide our final recommendation using the following criteria:
See it on the Big Screen! - This movie is outstanding. Its compelling mixture of several key elements of film combined with a unique or important theme makes this movie one of the top of the year in its genre.
Netflix it - This movie is above average and worth your effort to see. While it may not be worth seeing on the big screen, it is a quality film that can resonate with certain viewers and may find its own place on your shelf or in your mailbox
Watch it on TV - This film is nothing special. A few entertaining or interesting parts of the movie make it watchable and can be a fine way to pass two hours on a plane or a lazy afternoon with nothing else to watch.
Don't bother - This movie is terrible. Stay away from it.