About Us

Who We Are

From our younger days watching The Breakfast Club over and over again, discussing movies has always been one of our favorite activities. Though we have grown from the same household into very different people, watching and talking about movies has always provided a common bond that we wish to share with others.

This blog allows us to keep up with the new movies coming out and offer others our take on whether they should go out of their way to see a certain movie. We are not professional film critics, just amateur hobbyists who enjoy watching movies with a discerning eye. Our many hours spent over the phone hashing out great and mediocre movies has given us the idea of expressing that over a new medium.  The purpose of this blog is to let others into our discussions.

A little about Pat
I learned to love movies as a hobby by watching Kevin Smith films.  Movies can simultaneously distract me from life and help inform my understanding of people and the world we live in.  I will watch almost anything with Johnny Depp and Edward Norton, and I have a soft spot for Tim Burton movies.  I still have not lost faith in M. Night Shyamalan. My biggest challenge as a viewer is to remain open to older movies, and I'm constantly trying to learn more about classic films, directors, actors and actresses.

A little about Rae
My love of movies came at a young age, when my mom and I would spend rainy Sunday afternoons watching romantic comedies (and growing up in Seattle, there were many).  I love how movies have the magic to transport you to another time or place.  I'm a sucker for a good story.  I can appreciate action and special effects, the story is the reason I watch.  Maybe this is why I tend to favor classic and independent films.  I also tend to rewatch the movies that I love (I can't tell you how many times I've seen the Lord of the Rings trilogy), and it's because of this habit that my biggest challenge as a viewer is staying current on recently released movies.  Hopefully this blog will help me there.